Wednesday, September 28, 2011

day 8. when i was most satisfied with life.

Thinking back on my life, I have had some great times. I've generally lived very happy. But the moment that really stands out to me right now, is the day I started college.

Before my first day, I was a nervous wreck. I didn't know how to feel. I was so worried, yet so excited.
So that day, I park my car, start walking to my first class and....BOOM. A sudden rush of happiness swept over my body. It had finally hit what was happening.
                  I was starting college.

I wasn't just going to class, I was about to start a whole new life. I could be whoever I wanted to be. All my labels from high school were gone. Nobody could judge me from what gossip they'd heard or who I was friends with because, from that point on, I was just Rebecca Vargas. That day I realized how great my life was.

Before, I used to be so concerned with what people thought about me. I had to have the image of being "cool." Over the past few months I have learned to stop caring. I'm so thankful for my best friend Monica. She made me realize that you need to be yourself no matter what. Now that I've learned how to do that, I have made so many new friends and I'm so much happier.

So, going to school with a new perspective on life, and a clean record, I was on cloud 9.
Starting fresh was the best thing to ever happen.
Growing up is so great.

Suck on that high school.

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