Monday, October 17, 2011

day 13. somewhere.

So. I am sick of Provo. School is awesome and the people are pretty nice. BUT. I want to leave. Really really bad.

For a while now, I have had Payson and Heber on my mind. I vist both of those places at least twice a week. When I am married, if I live in either one of those towns I will be pretty happy for life.

-and- on another topic.
first off.

I honestly surprised myself. But I fell for a boy.

His name is Justin.
He is 23.
He is a country boy.
He is from Gunnison, UT.
He builds farms for a living.
He drives a sexy Chevy.
He is a gentleman.
He makes me laugh.
He sings along in the car with me.
He has amazing baby blue eyes.
He is super tan.
His mama and daddy are the sweetest.
He is a goofball.
He wants to be a physical therapist.
He loves to cuddle.
He is very chill about life.
He is, no doubt, the first and last thing on my mind. Everyday.

Once upon a time, my friends and I decided to get some drinks at Maverik. As I am backing out, I hear "hey, what are you doing tonight?" I look over and see a car full of guys. I told the guy we were headed to a party. He then asked for my number, and luckly I was prepared with a name tag that said "hey i'm Ray, i'll be your sunshine." with my number. My two friends and I had been driving around giving guys our numbers that night. So, I gave it to him and that was that.

A few months later, he is now my boyfriend.
The End :)

It's a story i'd love to tell my kids. Not that i'm getting married anytime soon. No way. But, in a few years he could be the one. Time can only tell.

I do miss being single, and sometimes it's tough. But in the end, I wouldn't give this up.
Not even for....

Yeah. That's saying something.

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