Monday, August 22, 2011


Why O why must I go to college? Well because I was taught my whole life that after high school, you go to college.
End Of Story.
But what if I don't want to go? What if I want summer to go on and on. Having no care in the world. Of course, this can't happen. And it won't. Sooo. It only makes sense that I am freaking out about school starting next Monday. ugh. I'm half excited, half avoiding it. I haven't even prepared myself for the start of school. Mostly because I want to avoid it as much as possible. I don't want to deal with it.

If I could live in a world of fiction. (and an endless supply of money) this would be my life. Presented to you in the form of a song.

Never gonna grow up
Never gonna slow down
We were shinin' like lighters in the dark
In the middle of a rock show
We were doin' it right
We were comin' alive
Yeah, caught up in a Southern summer, barefoot, blue jean night

I listen to that song and think wouldn't life be great? Playing. Everyday. With nothing to worry about.

The summer went by Waaaaay too fast. I hate it. But then I think about it, and I did a lot of stuff. So, at least it was a good three months spent.

7 more days. 

But not only do I have to deal with school. I am also being faced with the decision of moving out. Before yesterday, my parents and I decided I would stay at home. But as of now, I am searching for apartments. My parents think that moving out will help me grow. and give me a better college experience, which I can totally agree with.
Out on my own, doing whatever. Scary.

I don't know what to do. I am sick of life right now. well not really. but i'm sick of making tough choices. I am very bad at making up my mind. I can never decide anything for myself. I just want to run away to the land of "absolutely no responsibility. only happiness and carelessness."

If anyone knows of any cheap flights to that place, let me know. Cause i haven't had any luck.

Monday, August 1, 2011

yay for me.

As of today I have finally perfected Moonlight Sonata on the piano! Makes me happy :) Perfecting any piece on the piano will seriously make my whole week better. So it'll be a good week.